Pre-Audition Events
|If you are still undecided, if you are still hesitating about where to continue your studies, you can find out more about our circus arts BA programs. If you are interested in this particular branch of the performing arts, if you are a young person with a passion for the circus arts and if you feel talented, come to our open days, workshops or summer camps and discover the magic of the circus, see the professional beauty of a clown, an equestrian acrobat or a circus dancer.
Location: Capital Circus of Budapest
Date: 13. May 2023. 10.30–17.00
Application deadline: 12. May 2023
10.30 Arrival, welcome
11.00 Visiting of the performance “Spirit of Steppe”
13.15 Lunch at the Artists’ Buffet of the Capital Circus of Budapest
14.00 Meeting and getting to know the horses of the Capital Circus of Budapest
15.00 Demonstration of the different fields of circus art and trying out of props
Location: Budapest Contemporary Dance Academy and Circus Art Studio of Capital Circus of Budapest
Date: 10. June 2023. 9.30–18.00
Application deadline: 2. June 2023
Circus dance programme:
- 9.30-10.00 warm-up
- 10.00-11.00 show dance
- 11.00-11.15 break
- 11.15-12.15 folk dance based modern dance
- 12.15-12.30 break
- 12.30-13.30 bachata
- 13.30-14.00 stretching
- 14.00-15.00 lunch break
- 15.00-18.00 After lunch, participants will have the opportunity to try out some of the circus’s artistic equipment (air hoop, tissue, jumping)
Clown genre programme:
- 9.30-10.00 warm-up
- 10.00-12.15 from neutrality to character / the clown’s mindset / naivety and superficiality / loss and humour in the play
- 12.15-12.30 break
- 12.30-14.00 the clown and music / the clown and improvisation / the clown’s props / what is a clown?
- 14.00-15.00 lunch break
- 15.00-18.00 After lunch, participants will have the opportunity to try out some of the circus’s artistic tools (air hoop, tissue, jumping)
Location: Szigetmonostor – Horány, Regatta Leisure Centre
Date: 7-9. July 2023.
Application deadline: 4. July 2023.
In a beautiful natural setting, with its own Danube bank and harbour, in five dance halls, participants can get to know the circus arts, circus dance and contemporary dance in a full-day professional, artistic programme.
Three meals a day will be provided. Accommodation in 2-4 bedded rooms with bathroom. In addition to learning, there will be time for recreational activities and evening talks around the campfire.
More information about the courses at the Budapest Contemporary Dance Academy:
Circus Art
Circus Dancer
Contemporary Dancer