An accredited 30 hour course on Circus Art Pedagogy for teachers – Conference presentation – January 2022
An accredited 30 hour course for teachers
- working in primary or secondary level education
- in order to activate their circus related experiences,
- in order to help them to involve circus in their teaching practice and
- involve their teaching practice into circus
- State supported Circus Art and Education system
- BCDA in cooperation with all partners: Secondary school, Circus center, teachers, artists, independent circus culture, …
- – higher education BA and MA programs
- – Basic Art School system
- – fusion art projects
30 hour course
- Vivencia
- Élmény
- Life-experience
in person
- The program as I understand
- Me,
- My group
- The circus as I see
- My (Our) Project
- Learning circus genres
- The context
- Circus in the Arts
- My (Our) Project
- Creativ Writing
in person
- Circus and Pedagogy
- – The Circus in the School
- – The School in the Circus
- My (Our) Project
- Learning circus genres
- My (Our) Project
- Presentation, discussion
in person
- A Day in the Circus
- Guiding in the Circus Museum
- Learning circus genres
- Watching and analysing a live performance
- Course feed back session
The Method
- Individual project
- 12 member groups
- The query
Come back
- Diploma
- Family visit
- Supporting your project