BCDA/LEAP 21/22: Contemporary dance training restarts at BCDA
“We are not teaching dances, we are learning to dance.”
Iván Angelus, the founder/rector of the BCDA, asked his direct colleagues to re-launch the BA Course in Contemporary Dance in September 2022, to lead the first year and to organise a preparatory year.
Members of the committee:
Tamás Bakó – Head of Year
Dóra Furulyás – Program Coordinator
Kristóf Várnagy – Program Coordinator
Petra Péter – Scientific and International affairs
Kamilla Reidl – Vice-Rector
Blanka Flóra Csasznyi – Organizational and Communication associate
Continuing the school’s decades-long tradition, we actively seek opportunities to meet people interested in dance, future students, and the public at large. To this end, we are launching the LEAP 21/22 Program in the season preceding the launch of the BCDA Dance Bachelor’s Degree in 2022. In this framework, we will organize a series of professional and artistic events, including a Pre-Audition Course, Career Orientation Days, Open Days, Weekend Workshops, Online Mentor Program, and Admission.
In case of any questions, please contact us at bktf.rafutas@gmail.com.
forrás: Hevzso photography
3 months-1 process-1 group – for those preparing for admission
From February on we are restarting our 12 weeks long Pre-Audition Course. The program is recommended for anyone who is interested in contemporary dance and in professional contemporary dance training at BCDA.
The aim is to give participants an insight into how our BA course works and to offer a chance to engage with the learning methods and practices that are characteristic of the Academy.
The focus of this intensive course is on technical training, developing movement skills and body awareness. At the same time participants can explore and develop their performing and creative skills through improvisation and composition. Our classes are led by nationally and internationally renowned active performers and teachers.
Teachers: Bakó Tamás, Csasznyi Blanka, Farkas Kámea, Farkas Zoltán Batyu, Furulyás Dóra, Fülöp László, Kancsó Luca, Várnagy Kristóf, Újvári Milán
You can find out more about our teachers and their classes by clicking here
Duration: 21 February – 21 May 2022. (break: 14-21. April 2022.)
Application deadline: 19 February 2022. 18:00 (CET)
Location: Budapest Kortárstánc Főiskola, 1036 Budapest Perc utca 2.
Fee: 345 € / person, within 5 working days of returning the application form
Payment in installments is possible:
– first installment 210 €, within 5 working days of returning the application form
– Second installment 135 €, before Friday 11 March 2022 14.00 (CET)
Covid protocol: All BCDA programs can be visited according to the covid protocol available on our website here
Application form
1. return the completed application form
2. payment of the full course fee, or the first installment in case of installment payment
– Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, two dance classes 18.00-20.45
– Absence: a maximum of 12 classes of absence is allowed throughout the course. Absences in excess of this will result in the course not being continued.
– Refunds: no refunds will be given.
Meeting before applying
Before the course starts, there will be a free open session where anyone can attend two dance classes, meet some of the teachers teaching the course, meet the course leaders and ask questions.
Date: 11. February 2022. 18:00-21:00
Registration form
Location: Budapest Kortárstánc Főiskola, 1036 Budapest, Perc utca 2. II. floor
In case of any questions, please contact us at bktf.rafutas@gmail.com
The Bachelor’s of Dance offers higher education opportunities for those interested in a professional performing arts career. Career Orientation Days include introductory sessions at dance schools and studios in Hungary. During the day, students and teachers from the school/studio will have the opportunity to gain an insight into the work of the college and meet the teachers who teach in the training.
There are two session plans to choose from, depending on which is most suitable for the school/studio and the students:
A) 1 dance technique lesson (75 minutes), 1 creative lesson + discussion (90 minutes)
B) 1 dance and repertoire session (90 min) and a performance and talk by artists invited by the college (60 min)
In both cases, we will present the renewed professional program of the Bachelor of Dance, explain the admission procedure and answer any questions you may have (approx. 30 minutes).
The program does not require any special technical conditions and can be held in a dance studio, or in a clean gym.
If you are interested and would like to take part in the program, please contact us!
Blanka Flóra Csasznyi.
Details will be announced soon.
In case of any questions, please contact us at bktf.rafutas@gmail.com.
Details will be announced soon.
In case of any questions, please contact us at bktf.rafutas@gmail.com.
“Interested in our academy but unsure whether to submit your application? If you’ve been thinking about it…, you’re interested in dance… but you don’t know…”
As part of BCDA’s LEAP 21/22, we are launching an Online Mentor Program, inviting dance videos on pre-selected topics. The aim of this program is to give participants an experience of the analytical thinking we use in our training. We will formulate questions and statements objectively, professionally and, above all, for the sake of development, reflecting on the work presented.
The program is recommended for those who are interested in the Bachelor of Dance and want to gain more personal experience before applying for admission, as well as for those who want to get feedback on their dance by showing their work, based on the above-mentioned criteria.
Optional topics:
1. Introduce yourself without words!
2. Make a video based on inspiration!
3. show a style you like and know!
4. Applicants who participated in the previous call will have the opportunity to continue the work they started with us.
Entries will be received by Tamás Bakó, Kristóf Várnagy and Dóra Furulyás, the program coordinators of LEAP 21/22.
During the 2021-22 season, the program will be announced in several periods. You can apply for the program once per period, with one work, but repeated participation per period is not excluded.
Application details
– Applications are invited on a rolling basis until 10.04.2022
– to participate in the program, please return the completed application form
Important! In addition to the submitted video, please provide a thoughtful description of the submitted work, including the following questions:
– Which topic did you choose?
– What motivated you to create the dance?
– How did you work?
– What experiences did you have during the creation process?
– If you chose theme 2, please name your source of inspiration.
– What do you want feedback on?
– We will give feedback on the submitted works by 20.04.2022 at the latest.
Useful considerations for making the video:
You may:
-bound movement material or improvisation,
-to music or without music,
inside or outside, up or down.
– 1-2 minutes long video,
– the beginning and the end of your dance,
– minimum 720p resolution,
– your dance is clearly visible,
– shot from a fixed camera position!
– Include use of equipment,
– speech,
– edited, cut,
– no filters, no effects.
3 months-1 process-1 group – for those preparing for admission
From February on we are restarting our 12 weeks long Pre-Audition Course. The program is recommended for anyone who is interested in contemporary dance and in professional contemporary dance training at BCDA.
The aim is to give participants an insight into how our BA course works and to offer a chance to engage with the learning methods and practices that are characteristic of the Academy.
The focus of this intensive course is on technical training, developing movement skills and body awareness. At the same time participants can explore and develop their performing and creative skills through improvisation and composition. Our classes are led by nationally and internationally renowned active performers and teachers.
Teachers: Bakó Tamás, Csasznyi Blanka, Farkas Kámea, Farkas Zoltán Batyu, Furulyás Dóra, Fülöp László, Kancsó Luca, Várnagy Kristóf, Újvári Milán
You can find out more about our teachers and their classes by clicking here
Duration: 21 February – 21 May 2022. (break: 14-21. April 2022.)
Application deadline: 19 February 2022. 18:00 (CET)
Location: Budapest Kortárstánc Főiskola, 1036 Budapest Perc utca 2.
Fee: 345 € / person, within 5 working days of returning the application form
Payment in installments is possible:
– first installment 210 €, within 5 working days of returning the application form
– Second installment 135 €, before Friday 11 March 2022 14.00 (CET)
Covid protocol: All BCDA programs can be visited according to the covid protocol available on our website here
Application form
1. return the completed application form
2. payment of the full course fee, or the first installment in case of installment payment
– Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, two dance classes 18.00-20.45
– Absence: a maximum of 12 classes of absence is allowed throughout the course. Absences in excess of this will result in the course not being continued.
– Refunds: no refunds will be given.
Meeting before applying
Before the course starts, there will be a free open session where anyone can attend two dance classes, meet some of the teachers teaching the course, meet the course leaders and ask questions.
Date: 11. February 2022. 18:00-21:00
Registration form
Location: Budapest Kortárstánc Főiskola, 1036 Budapest, Perc utca 2. II. floor
In case of any questions, please contact us at bktf.rafutas@gmail.com
The Bachelor’s of Dance offers higher education opportunities for those interested in a professional performing arts career. Career Orientation Days include introductory sessions at dance schools and studios in Hungary. During the day, students and teachers from the school/studio will have the opportunity to gain an insight into the work of the college and meet the teachers who teach in the training.
There are two session plans to choose from, depending on which is most suitable for the school/studio and the students:
A) 1 dance technique lesson (75 minutes), 1 creative lesson + discussion (90 minutes)
B) 1 dance and repertoire session (90 min) and a performance and talk by artists invited by the college (60 min)
In both cases, we will present the renewed professional program of the Bachelor of Dance, explain the admission procedure and answer any questions you may have (approx. 30 minutes).
The program does not require any special technical conditions and can be held in a dance studio, or in a clean gym.
If you are interested and would like to take part in the program, please contact us!
Blanka Flóra Csasznyi.
Details will be announced soon.
In case of any questions, please contact us at bktf.rafutas@gmail.com.
Details will be announced soon.
In case of any questions, please contact us at bktf.rafutas@gmail.com.
“Interested in our academy but unsure whether to submit your application? If you’ve been thinking about it…, you’re interested in dance… but you don’t know…”
As part of BCDA’s LEAP 21/22, we are launching an Online Mentor Program, inviting dance videos on pre-selected topics. The aim of this program is to give participants an experience of the analytical thinking we use in our training. We will formulate questions and statements objectively, professionally and, above all, for the sake of development, reflecting on the work presented.
The program is recommended for those who are interested in the Bachelor of Dance and want to gain more personal experience before applying for admission, as well as for those who want to get feedback on their dance by showing their work, based on the above-mentioned criteria.
Optional topics:
1. Introduce yourself without words!
2. Make a video based on inspiration!
3. show a style you like and know!
4. Applicants who participated in the previous call will have the opportunity to continue the work they started with us.
Entries will be received by Tamás Bakó, Kristóf Várnagy and Dóra Furulyás, the program coordinators of LEAP 21/22.
During the 2021-22 season, the program will be announced in several periods. You can apply for the program once per period, with one work, but repeated participation per period is not excluded.
Application details
– Applications are invited on a rolling basis until 10.04.2022
– to participate in the program, please return the completed application form
Important! In addition to the submitted video, please provide a thoughtful description of the submitted work, including the following questions:
– Which topic did you choose?
– What motivated you to create the dance?
– How did you work?
– What experiences did you have during the creation process?
– If you chose theme 2, please name your source of inspiration.
– What do you want feedback on?
– We will give feedback on the submitted works by 20.04.2022 at the latest.
Useful considerations for making the video:
You may:
-bound movement material or improvisation,
-to music or without music,
inside or outside, up or down.
– 1-2 minutes long video,
– the beginning and the end of your dance,
– minimum 720p resolution,
– your dance is clearly visible,
– shot from a fixed camera position!
– Include use of equipment,
– speech,
– edited, cut,
– no filters, no effects.
Supporters: Emberi Erőforrás Támogatáskezelő, Erasmus+, Új Előadóművészeti Alapítvány, Köszönjük Magyarország!