NOT ACTUALIZED! Construction of this sitenote has been fifnshed the end of 2021

creativity, reflectivity, alternative thinking,
learning and developing by being part of a community,
discovering and developing their own talents,
in the process of becoming an artist through creative empowerment,
the nowadays inevitable bond between the practice of dance and creation
contemporary dance and contemporary arts,
in-depth work, research and practice in the field of dance and movement.

The three-year training cycle enables applicants to step on the path of becoming professional contemporary dancers. The program focuses on the study of traditional and innovative dance techniques based on technical training, movement skills development and body awareness, integrated theory and practice. To support our students we focus on development, create a balance between individual and team learning, rely on a  complex assessment system and use methods that promote reflection and creativity. Our students gain transferable knowledge by being part of a creative community under the guidance of national and international teachers and artists. The training supports students to develop an experimental, research-based creative practice and to find their own unique, authentic performing voice. Attributes such as curiosity, courage and dedication are essential to shape one’s self-image as a performer or creator, as well as sensitivity and openness to social and cultural contexts. 

The three-year training cycle is aimed at those who are willing to undertake 100% intensive individual and group work in order to find their own artistic path.

"We are not teaching dances, we are learning to dance."
Iván Angelus, founding rector


The process of auditions takes several months, with the aim of ensuring that the applicant and the school representatives have a clear understanding of the commitment to the long-term cooperation ahead. During the pre-audition period, the candidates should get to know the school and themselves as thoroughly and deeply as possible. Our LEAP 21/22 Program provides candidates the opportunity to get to know the work at the school. We offer a six-week intensive Pre-Audition Course, Open Days, Weekend Workshops and an Online Mentor Program. The process of the audition itself is a great opportunity for everyone to discover the joys and possible difficulties that they can expect throughout the three-year training cycle. Knowing the opportunities and challenges, we can responsibly embark on the extremely demanding preparation for a career as a professional dancer. Students gaining admission will be invited for a Summer Creative week, where they can get to know each other and lay the groundwork for starting work together in September.

Audition dates
1st round:
25–27 April 2022, Monday–Wednesday
2nd round: 6–7 June 2022, Monday–Tuesday
Venue: Budapest III. Perc street 2.

The aptitude test is part of the practical test. During the audition procedure, the applicants may be given a "pass" or "fail" mark. A single 'fail' mark in the examination will disqualify you from the further audition. Calculation of admission points: points obtained during the admission procedure will be taken into account.

To apply, fill in the application form.
Filling in the form requires a prior preparation, therefore we kindly ask you to read the instructions carefully before starting to complete the form.


Continuing the school's decades-long tradition, we actively seek opportunities to meet people interested in dance, future students, and the public at large. To this end, we are opening the LEAP 21/22 Program in the season preceding the launch of the BCDA Dance Bachelor's Degree in 2022. In this framework, we organize a series of professional and artistic events, including a Pre-Audition Course, Career Orientation Days, Open Days, Weekend Workshops, Online Mentor Program.


Iván Angelus, the founder/rector of the BCDA, asked his direct colleagues to re-launch the BA Course in Contemporary Dance in September 2022, to lead the first year and to organize a preparatory year. Drawing on 40 years of experience in pedagogy, the renewed training responds to the challenges of the present while exploring new ways of shaping the dance of the future.

 Tamás Bakó – Head of Year

Teacher, independent artist, Gyula Harangozó   Award-winning dance artist. Tamás finished his dance education in Budapest Dance School in 1995. He has been a member of numerous foreign and Hungarian ensembles including   Ismael Ivo, Marco Santi, Adrienn Hód, Gábor Goda and others, and has participated in numerous independent productions and projects as a dancer or co-creator. Since 2009 he has been a teacher of contemporary dance at the Budapest Contemporary Dance Academy, and he also teaches as a guest master at other professional contemporary dance schools such as SEAD / Salzburg, or La Manufacture HES-SO / Lausanne.

Dóra Furulyás – Program Coordinator

Dóra was admitted to the Budapest Contemporary Dance Academy in 2004. After completing her studies, she was a member of the The Symptoms ensemble between 2010 and 2018. She has worked with Timothy and the Things, Artus, Anna Réti, Petra Ardai, Péter  Kárpáti, Tamás Ördög, among others. Since 2020, she has been working with Viktória Dányi on the Mothers Back program, which explores and makes visible the impact of motherhood on performing artists through various artistic projects.

Kristóf Várnagy – Program Coordinator

 Kristóf studied ballet at the Hungarian Dance   Academy. In 2007 he was awarded the Junior   Prize for Hungarian Ballet and Contemporary   Dance. He has worked in various styles, from   ballet to contemporary dance and circus, with   companies such as Cirque du Soleil, Cullberg   Ballet and the Royal Swedish Ballet, the latter   of which he was a soloist. Kristóf has been an invited teacher at several dance schools in Hungary and abroad: Hungarian Dance Academy, High School of Arts Pécs, School of Dance and Fine Arts Győr, Centre National de la Danse Paris, Danscentrum Stockholm. Since 2017, he has been a permanent lecturer at the Budapest Contemporary Dance Academy, where he obtained his MA degree in dance teaching in 2021. Currently a member of the Recirquel circus company.

Petra Péter – Scientific and International affairs

Petra has been working at the Budapest Contemporary Dance Academy since its foundation. She is responsible for international relations, thesis support and accreditation. She is the head of the Archive of the Budapest Dance School. Her research interests include the early period of Hungarian contemporary dance. She is an editorial board member of the periodical Dance Studies. She holds a degree in Sociology and Hungarian Studies from the Kossuth Lajos University of Debrecen and a degree in Theatre History from the University of Veszprém. She started her doctoral studies at the Károli Gáspár Reformed University, Doctoral School of Literature, and then obtained her doctorate at the Doctoral School of Literature of the University of Pécs.

 Kamilla Reidl – Vice-Rector for   Coordination

 Kamilla studied dance (modern and contemporary dance) at the Budapest Dance   School and then participated in several theatre productions as a freelancer. At the same time, she started her teaching activity at the Hungarian Dance Academy (modern dance) and later at the Budapest Contemporary Dance Academy, where she obtained a degree in Dance Education. Since 2009, she has been working at the Budapest Contemporary Dance Academy, where she is responsible for legal, administrative and curricular affairs and the day-to-day running of the Academy.

Blanka Flóra Csasznyi – organizational and communication associate

Blanka studied dance BA at The Place – Contemporary Dance Academy in London, and later at the Budapest Contemporary Dance Academy, where she successfully completed her MA in Dance Education. For ten years she has worked with American-born dancer and choreographer Joe Alegado, creator of the Shifting Roots technique, as a teacher and co-creator. In these ten years, she has had the opportunity to teach and choreograph in the Shifting Roots – Alegado Movement Language form language worldwide and has gained significant returning audiences in many countries. Since 2016, she has been a co-creator, independent teacher and since 2020 the rights holder of the Shifting Roots – AML technique. In 2021, she was awarded the Viktor Fülöp Fellowship for Pedagogy.


The Bachelor of Arts in Dance is available on a self-pay basis only.

For foreign students:
500.-€ one-time registration fee and 2000.-€ / semester.

Payment in installments is possible by individual agreement.


With the support of the European Union's Erasmus+ program, our students and staff can go on study trips abroad. It is possible to host students and teachers from abroad too.

Institutional Erasmus Coordinator: Petra Péter

Further info


These two videos are the documentations of our latest performances before the pandemic. They represent the two main approaches in school performances

  • a larger group of students presenting a set improvisation and choreography based upon the sequences learned during dance classes: INTERMEZZO December 2018 TRAFÓ
  • solo work of one or more students: MULE FULE: VÁGNER Orsolya,  december 2018, TRAFÓ

You can find more videos on our YouTube channel.


The exhibition about the four decades of the Budapest Dance School can be visited until 9th January 2022 at the Budapest Gallery 1036 Budapest Lajos utca 158.

Photographs taken by Zsófia HEVÉR 2021
The studio poster photo of Adrienn HÓD and Tamás BAKÓ was originally taken by Péter Hapák for the OFF MOZART REQUIEM poster in 2000.